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This is an internal link to a series of pages about important Carl Zeiss and Zeiss Ikon personalities. The name and a short description follow for each person listed which will link you to a web page inside of our website that will cover that personality, provide a biography and illustrate some of his accomplishments. Click on the name and you will go to the page for that personality:
Hubert Nerwin - Important Designer of Zeiss Ikon cameras from the Golden age of Photography
Dr. Erhard Glatzel - Important Designer of Carl Zeiss Optics and key player in the modernization of optical Design
Professor Emanuel Goldberg - still under development but an early picture of the professor is available
Edward K. Kaprelian - American optical expert and custodian of the Zeiss lens collection
Dr. Heinz Küppenbender - Photographic designer, and senior management for both Zeiss Ikon and Carl Zeiss, Jena and Oberkochen.
An overview of historical Zeiss Companies and a list of their collectibles
Our Zeiss Historica Publications
A sample article - The Contax camera's migration to Kiev, Ukraine
A second sample article - An unusual Contax I
An index to all of our published articles
6. Links
to other interesting web sites related to Zeiss and photography
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Famous Zeiss Designers and Personalities
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